Spoiling my sibling.
Well I say spoiling.. what I bought my brother as an early Christmas present didn't exactly push the boat out at £12 but it's the thought that counts, right? Plus this is by no means all I'm planning to get him, I just saw this the other day and was compelled to buy it.
There's always a certain satisfaction with getting Christmas presents sorted early and I think this happens for a couple of reasons. Number one, everything you want is usually still in stock - always helpful. Secondly, it means you're aware of how much money you have left to blow spend wisely at the end of term Christmas night out at the union (if you're me, anyway.)
T-shirt: £12 | TK Maxx |
I bought this t-shirt from TK Maxx but the actual brand is Blood Bank who I haven't actually ever heard of but my brother's going through a printed white tee phase and since more than half have scantily clad women on the front, I wanted to ensure my brother stays as classy as it's possible for a teenage boy to be.
I genuinely really like this top too (I have a penchant for boys tees) so if my brother decides that he doesn't like it, I will be more than happy to take it off his hands..
Is anyone else a little bit keen for Christmas already? I heard (or rather Facebook informed me) that the Coca-Cola advert was on telly for the first time so technically I'm allowed to start thinking about Christmas already, right?