Mocking Jade | Christmas Chez Moi!

The festivities are my favourite time of year; that much is never in doubt. But instead of sticking up a tree and coating it in tinsel, I thought I would strip Christmas back a bit. I am quite (read: extremely) partial to fairy lights, so Christmas just provides me with even more reason to deck my walls with glowing globules of festive fun. Result. But I didn't want to stop there. I have restricted most of my decorating to one corner of the room, so that functional living can continue (and more importantly, most of my budget is being saved for Christmassy activities instead. Somerset House, I'm coming for ya.)

 So, it's all a little understated at the moment, granted. But it's quaint and quirky, and really that's the kind of style I always aim to emulate. I'm still going to try and squeeze a little tree in somewhere but until I do, my mum bought me the cutest little light up snow globe from Tiger which currently has pride of place on my desk.
Happy festivities, people.
Jade x
