A Couple of Christmas' | Festive fun!
As seems to have been the trend this year, we effectively had two Christmas days this year. Due to family commitments and weather problems and a whole host of other reasons, our usual family arrangements for Christmas couldn't go ahead so we rallied and had a celebratory get together on the 23rd as well as the 25th.
Both days were full of fun times spent with family but as always went far too fast. It was nice to know for me personally that this will be the last Christmas that I'll spend as a student! I know gift giving isn't the foundation of Christmas but I like treating those I love and it's hard knowing you can't afford to match what you have received. So although the thought that in just one years time I will have graduated and will (hopefully!) have been working for a couple of months is very, very scary, it's also going to be a pretty welcome change. Bring it on!
I could not have been happier with the gifts I did receive - a lot of which were to do with keeping me warm in my house at uni! Perfectly practical! I also received a few DVDs I've been waiting to buy for ages, some new little earrings as I keep losing mine and some little stationery bits (ever the writer!)
Here a few Christmassy snaps, including obligatory yet very appreciative present pictures:
I wish everyone a very happy festive period and a fantastic new year too! I have already decided on my new year's resolution - it'll be making its way into a blog post soon! Let me know any of yours
Jade :)