Boxing Day | London and Les Mis!

I thought I couldn't possibly love Les Mis anymore than I already did. It turns out that was false. On Boxing Day, my family and I took a trip to London to watch Les Mis at the Queens Theatre and it was, without a doubt, one of the best days of my life.

London itself is one of my favourite places in the world. I don't live massively far away from the city but far enough away that I only get to go and spend the day there on infrequent occasions. I haven't been in the evening for ages and it looked even prettier because it was decorated for Christmas!

As for Les Mis, I could probably write an entire article on the show itself but I'll save you from the boredom! All you need to know is that I felt utterly inspired when I left and that no matter who is cast, I always fancy the Enjolras! The staging was sublime, the set was fantastically built and the vocals were just incredible. A must-watch for any musical theatre fan and the most perfect Boxing Day to date.

Jade :)
