Where there's a wall..

If any of you live in halls of residence or college dorms, you'll know how plain four white walls can really look and for some people, that's just fine. A flatmate of mine had his timetable up and that was it.

I am not one of those people. My uni room has always been full of photos, posters, motivational quotes and torn up magazines (though sadly when exam time calls, revision notes too.) Not only is it a great inspiration to have visual reminders and memories to help gaze the day away, it's also a great talking point for anyone coming in to visit!

We're trying to sell out house at the moment though so I've been pretty reluctant to plaster my walls with pictures and posters but if you've read my last couple of posts, you'll know how inspired I've been by the Olympics ... and now it's spread to my walls!

My new features!
To prove that my room isn't just a Jess Ennis shrine (it isn't, it really isn't!) and to take my new camera for a spin I thought I'd show a few of my other wall decorations.

The skateboard is my dad's from when he was younger
and the poster used to be my mum's. Very vintage!

I don't know if you're getting an arty vibe but I adore
dance, plays and musicals (probably too much)

I absolutely love my room the way it is at the moment but I love decorating a new room too so that's why it's perfect for me to have a room at home and a room at uni - best of both worlds! Now I'm a little ashamed to say I spend a fair amount of time browsing the web for new room ideas before I go to uni and here are a few that I think I'm going to use as inspiration for when I head back in September:

I love, love, love fairy lights and I have a lot both in my room at home and when I'm away at uni. Not only because I'm still a little bit scared of the dark (embarrassing, I know!) but because they give a perfect ambiance for early evening or if you're watching a film with friends.

Now I've often had little bits of text on my walls and posters with quotes on them but after a lot of browsing, letter cut-outs seem to be the in thing - music lyrics, famous quotes or just words to live by, whatever takes your fancy. I'm currently in the process of writing down all my favourite lyrics, quotes from books and lines from plays to eventually narrow it down to what I want to put on my wall. It's harder than I thought!

When I head back to uni and decorate my new room, I'll update my blog with what I decided to do for decorations.

So is anyone else an avid decorator? What wall wonders do you all have?
