Super sportswear

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been thoroughly inspired by the performances of so many athletes during the London Olympics. It's definitely motivated me to get back into training and I couldn't let up a chance to browse my favourite pieces of active wear clothing at the same time. I thought I'd share a few of my favourite finds for anyone else who's currently caught Olympomania. (Only Boris Johnson could coin such a word!)

1. A crop top from  Forever 21. I'm a long way off a toned enough tum to wear one of these in public or at a gym but if  I'm doing a bit of training at home, I often opt for a sports crop top because it means I can make sure my muscles are working!
2. These black hotpants from New Look are a pretty staple item as a dancer but they're great for any form of exercise really. Black's slimming which is great and when I'm running, I personally prefer tighter shorts than those with looser material.
3. I'm aware that the tight shorts look might not be for everyone though, so these cute dip-dye shorts from TopShop are a great buy if you prefer a more beach-style pair. They're also in the sale - cheap and on trend, result!
4. Taking it from fashions shops to sports shops, JD Sports have got a great sale on their clothing and shoes at the moment, with tons to suit all on offer including this top and others. If you're serious about sport, a definite one to check out.
Shops like Hollister and Superdry are also great for sportswear but it's far too expensive for me at the moment. Nevertheless, if you're not a strap-cashed student and have an interest in looking good as you hit the gym, they're both worth checking out.

Anyone else find themselves feeling all sporty as a result of the Olympics? I'm even devising myself a little training programme - let's see how long this lasts!
