Be Chic: Be edgy like Effy.
The 21 one year old me should be revising right now. The 21 year old me should also be taking more of an interest in world politics and environmental issues and a whole host of other grown up things you're meant to do when you turn 21. But the 18 year old in me (who, I have to say, never really went away) is actually far more intrigued by the new series of Skins coming back to E4.
I have fond memories of Skins. I remember seeing the trailer for the very first series and being simultaneously horrified and captivated. I was under strict instructions not to watch it (with good reason) but I remember joyously hatching up a plan to watch it anyway. I would have my TV volume at the absolute minimum, ready to crouch with my ear as close as possible for the full hour it was on, my duvet half pulled back ready for the superhero style leap back into bed if footsteps began to ascend the stairs. It was, in my eyes, the perfect plan and executed effortlessly. Looking back, the plan was probably futile and my parents were probably aware of what I was doing but safe to say, I got hooked. It wasn't until the 2nd Generation of Skins that I became (borderline) obsessed though: I fell in love with Cook and never looked back. In terms of style however, Effy was always the one I wanted to emulate.
Effy is the teenage epitome of soft grunge. In short, the type of style I wish I was cool enough to pull off. Think baggy tops, dark make up, ripped jeans and chunky boots. These pictures give a bit of an idea of old school Effy, though if the new trailer is anything to go by, the dark and mysterious ensembles are long gone. (Sob.)
Lots of black, lots of leather, lots of jewellery and printed tees. Is it any wonder I was a fan? Shops like Urban Outfitters, Fashion Union, Top Shop and (if you can afford it) Black Milk are great starting points for a bit of stylish soft grunge.
1. Stripes are an easy way of dipping your little baby toe into the soft grunge pool. This oversized vest top from Asos is great because of the dropped sleeves: Effy has a penchant for baggy tops, bandeaus and bras.
2. I'm not the biggest fan of gummy bracelets but they are a little less macabre than a skull encrusted bracelet.
3. I am however a massive fan of this 3 pack necklace set, also from Asos. Pile on the neck-wear if you're looking for a quick and simple solution.
4. This printed tee (surprise, surprise) is from the male section of Urban Outfitters but to be honest, both the male and female sections boast some very Effy-like creations. It's my number one stop for graphic tees.
5. Finally, if you want to have a hand at trying Effy's intricate eye make up, try creating a smoky eye combo with the help of this Jemma Kidd Eye Crayon.
For some extra inspiration, see these stylish sale items (can you tell I enjoyed this post a tad too much?!)
1. MeeMee
2. MeeMee
3. Top Shop
5. Asos
I'm awaiting judgement on the new Skins - I wasn't a massive fan of the 3rd generation (but I watched all the episodes regardless) and I can't decide if this is a last ditch attempt to get back its former glory or not. Either way, I'll probably be watching and if you fancy checking out the trailer yourself, you can find it here.
Jade :)
Fashion Union
soft grunge
Style steal
Urban Outfitters