What's the time, Mr Wolf?
I don't know how many people are familiar with the childhood game What's the time, Mr Wolf? but I seem to remember it being a highly esteemed form of entertainment during my childhood. Maybe that's where my aversion to lateness started..
Despite having such strong feelings (and fear) about being late, it is perhaps odd that I have only just purchased a watch. For the first time in about six years. I used to suffer with self-diagnosed wrist claustrophobia, giving me no desire to own or wear a watch. Bracelets are fine because they allow movement and they can be worn in the shower - bonus. Watches on the other hand, far less flexible.

Okay, so it's from Tesco. Not the most fashion forward place admittedly but for six measly pounds, it suits me just fine. My wrists are, weirdly, the only part of my body I really like (mostly because my man hands almost make my wrists look slim and dainty).
I wear all my bracelets on my left wrist because I'm right-handed - there's nothing more annoying than trying to take notes in a lecture and having your bracelets clanging against the desk. So to even my arms up, my watch is being worn on my right arm. Understandable enough. What I don't quite understand is my preference for wearing the watch face on the inside of my wrist. The first time it slipped round quite by accident because I hadn't fastened the strap tight enough, but now I have very much got into the habit of twisting my arm inwards for the time. Nevertheless, I love the colour of the strap - it's a deep brown which contrasts nicely with the gold detail around the watch face.
And speaking of golden little things, here's my little wolf baby.
Dogs are 99% wolf, after all..