Watercolour watch #1
I have always been terrible at art (some things never change) but in the last year or so, I've really taken to watercolour paintings. I think it's because they're messy and if I didn't already have a middle name, messy probably would a good one to take. That or hungerstrike (long story. I'll tell it another time.)
For Christmas I asked for a cheap watercolour pad to mess around on and it's been my number one fall guy during the last two weeks in between semesters at university. Add the fact that I wrecked my ankle and wasn't able to walk for a couple of days and voila, the paints and I meet once more.
I can however take very little credit for my paintings. I have a massive inability to draw anything free hand. Well, anything good free hand. Give me something (simple) to copy and I can just about do a half decent job. As Pinky and the Brain will tell you..
Believe it or not, I genuinely drew (well, copied) painted and photographed this all by myself. At twenty years old, I really should not be so proud of such a small achievement. Nonetheless, I do actually seem to quite enjoy the whole watercolour concept so expect to see a few more pop up here and there in the future :)
boredom buster
Pinky and the Brain
watercolour watch