Be my, BB my baby.

So I'm a little late in joining the hype (as always) but in the January sales I finally caved in and bought myself a BB cream.

I have to admit I'm a bit lazy with my face. Not that I can really afford to be, with my incredibly oversized features (I kid you not, they're MASSIVE). Ears, mouth, forehead - I got it all. Regardless, I'm pretty bad at wearing foundation all that often. I do moisturise every day but I tend to only wear foundation if I'm going on a night out. Tut, tut.
It's not surprise therefore that what I love most about this BB cream is that I can still be pretty lazy. I still don't wear it everyday but I certainly wear it much more than my foundation. It's so easy to slap on in the mornings and seems to be lasting me a decent amount of time. I'm not sure if it actually gives me a "natural glow" (I tend to avoid reflective surfaces, which is difficult when you're a dancer) but I do feel it grants me an enhanced state of evenness that my face simply refuses to create without a great deal of assistance.

I decided - with much assistance from my mum - to opt for the dark shade. It doesn't match my skin tone completely (things rarely do) but it does a seamless enough job so I'm happy with it. And since I don't have to alter my early morning make up ritual by more than a couple of minutes, my BB cream really is my little baby.
