Today, you can call me Lucky.

In fact, it would be just as wise to have called me Lucky for the entirety of last three weeks. Family, food and festivity: who could ask for more?
Christmas Day was quiet and understated but I loved spending it at home. Skype is brilliant and we got to speak to the family we couldn’t see on the day. All the presents I bought went down a treat and I was incredibly lucky with what I received too (a leopard onesie, 3 different perfumes and series 1 of Homeland on DVD.) Like I said, you can call me lucky.

In case you needed a demonstration of just how much I  love my onesie.

On top of that, it was our first Christmas in a new house and I absolutely love my room. It's not quite finished yet but it's well on its way and I couldn't be happier. My dog has taken to sleeping under my bed more often than not and I think I'll miss the company when I head back to uni! But I know I have lots to do and lots to look forward to in the next few months.
My favourite wall in my new room.
The luck didn’t quite stretch to New Year and I came a cropper to what I’ve called festive flu. January will be seeing me fight both festive flu and festive fat because I have, as I suspected, overindulged terribly. But I figured since we all made it into 2013 (take that, Mayans) a few extra sweets wouldn’t hurt, right? Although karma is already fighting back. I woke up this morning and what was the first thing I saw in 2013? A spider. Not the nicest thing when you suffer massively from arachnophobia but I figured that it must mean that part of my annual spider quota over (please?!)
Not having internet and spending the last three days in bed has meant I haven’t been able to blog as much as I would  have liked to over this festive period but I have had the chance to spend a lot of time with family and friends nonetheless.
And to finish, a somewhat rare demonstration of emotion. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2013 :)
