A lack of internet and a love for Pink.
And no, I don't mean the colour.
So not having Internet on the house computers is harder than I thought. Not only can I not do any revision (as if I actually planned to do any before Christmas) but I can't blog, browse or stalk - all the finest things in life! Since I've been out of touch wih the technological world, I've been spending a lot of time watching E4, massacring my old magazines and building a bookcase. Ever so exciting (not.)
To be fair, having a break from Facebook is probably a good thing but that's not to say I don't feel terribly out the loop. The same goes for blogging: not having the Internet has meant I haven't been able to check what's hot and what's not. It's hard but I'm coping (just).
I missed writing too much though so succumbed to getting the blogger app. The only problem is that our new house seems to have very little reception. Only one spot in my room seems to allow me to use my 3G but that I can cope with because I am so in love with my new room. It's not quite finished but there will be photos to follow as soon as we have Internet back, promise.
Other things I'm in love with this week include Pink's new video, The Lumineers and mood boards. If you haven't seen Pink's 'Try' you need to watch it. It's incredible and seeing her perform live is definitely going on my bucket list.
As for my massacred magazines, I created this mood board looks book for future inspiration. It has pages dedicated to eyes, lips, hair styles and nail art just to name a few. The best thing is I can keep adding to it, which is grand because I buy magazines more than regularly than I buy food. I'm not the most artistic person ever (far from it) but it's fun and creative and most of all takes up some of my masses of internet-lacking spare time.