The Red Army

Red is the colour of so many things: danger, passion, anger and can even be a signifier of good luck.

But if you're a history student who should be revising the Cold War, red is the colour of communism. (I'm guessing I should probably dust up on a few other facts before sitting my exam, especially since I'm aiming to actually pass.)

But in my opinion, for fashion red is good regardless of what you think it substitutes. I love wearing flashes of red: on my lips, my nails and more recently my neck.

DKNY. Brother did good.

Perfume is one of my favourite things in the world. I'm not a one-perfume person: I very, very rarely stick to the same one. I was lucky enough to receive 3 different perfumes as presents this year. My brother bought me DKNY Red Delicious as part of my present and I'm already addicted to it. I've had so many compliments on it too so looks like I'm going to have to up my game for his present next year. Jammy boy.

Excuse my man hands.

I also got Barry M's Red Glitter in a set of three nail varnishes from my parents and I've worn it almost every day since Christmas. It's such a strong colour and really adds impact to my otherwise plain and boring winter ensembles. And anyway, you can never go wrong with glitter. Reverting to my childhood loves since 2009.
Revision however is most definitely not one of my childhood loves but is a necessity nonetheless. So whilst I go and spend the rest of the afternoon revising and essay writing, I thought I'd leave a little Red Army propaganda (of the chocolate variety of course. I haven't revised enough to warrant any other.)

