I don't remember many school assemblies but one always comes to my mind at this time of year. I must have been between 14 and 16 because it was an assembly on exams it was definitely pre-A Levels (for reasons which will shortly become clear.) My school, not unlike myself, was a little results-obsessed.
They weren't dictators though and I remember that the lighthearted message they wished us to take away was to not get too stressed (easier said than done.) To calm us down they reminded us that if you write stressed backwards it spells desserts (see? Pre-A Levels) but to this day I use this knowledge to fuel my revision-driven comfort eating. And it fuels a lot of comfort eating.
In case it's not clear, it's assessment time at university. I have two essays and an exam to complete before the 18th January so these next few days will be spent writing endlessly. I know I want to be a writer but this type of writing doesn't sit particularly high on the enjoyment scale.

I did take some comfort in renewing my love for my distressed jeans however. The weather has been pretty mild and I don't have too many lectures to attend so I'm not having to wrap up in my winter warmers as much. (The gloves are still out in force though, it's not Spring just yet.)

I wanted to use a picture of the rips and tears but a few months ago my knee feel through one of the distressed section and consequently I now have a larger-than-designed hole residing atop my kneecap. And that somewhat ruins the image.


See what I mean? Ruined.
But mostly I wanted to write this as a source of procrastination as a way of sending out my shared sympathy to anyone any age who is sitting exams, completing university assessments or just really hating January. (I've come to the conclusion January is my least favourite month. Sorry January.)
Only 21 days to go..
