Leaves & Lipstick.

Morning :)
It's pretty chilly today and you can definitely tell it's autumn because everywhere on campus is scattered full of crisp, brown leaves! Although I am lamenting the loss of summer a little bit, I am admittedly looking forward to wrapping up in thousands of layers, immersing myself in deep reds and soft browns.
Continuing this autumnal colour scheme, I bought a beautiful new lipstick yesterday which I think will be perfect for the next few months. It's from the Kate Moss range for Rimmel and I was actually looking for some nail varnish for part of my mum's birthday present when my eyes stumbled on to this little beauty. To be fair, I had been looking for a deep berry kind of lipstick for a few weeks but since being back at uni decided it was more of a treat than a necessity. Of course that philosophy went out the window when I saw this one!

The lipstick looks a little darker here than it appears it natural light, but
the flash distorted the colour even more - I couldn't win!

This is a little closer to the actual colour (please excuse my man hands!)

I'm a bit ill at the moment - I've managed to get freshers flu despite not being a fresher! - but I'm hoping to debut this lipstick on Friday night so hopefully an OOTN post to follow later this week :)

How are you all embracing the autumn? The temperature's not great but the clothes sure are!
