A room away from home

Morning all :)

Moving back to uni was as stressful as it always is but decorating my new room was as fun as always too! I cannot stand plain walls and I like having inspiration and pretty things dotted all around my room so that was this years theme so to speak. It's not quite finished yet because I managed to run out of white tac and haven't been out to buy any more yet! Still, I like it so far and it feels very homely and I hope that it expresses what I like and find interesting :)
This is my desk area - already a bit messy but the pin board is a massive bonus!
My poster-filled corner. Over the year, I'm hoping to finish the rest of the wall with more magazine cut outs
The two outside jars are filled with fairy lights which I love. I can't claim credit for the idea but I think it's genius!
So there we have my little humble abode. I'm trying desperately hard to keep it tidy but it's not in my DNA! So far so good though!
I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone's blogs - I feel like I've been out of the loop for too long! Have a good Thursday everyone :)
