
I am, foolishly, trying to teach myself to play the guitar and it's so much harder than I ever anticipated, although given my past and present experiences in dance show, I have very little hand eye co-ordination so maybe I shouldn't be too surprised after all! Nevertheless I'm finding switching between chords to still be pretty tough but I'm determined to stick with it.

In my initial honey moon oh-my-god-I-actually-have-a-guitar phase, I scoured Spotify for guitar based albums/soloists/music after playing Mumford and Sons to death. And that's how I stumbled across the delightful Howie Day. His music instantly resonated with me and I simply adore Collide - I think the lyrics are lovely and his voice has a soft quality to it that gives me the squidgy ears feeling I'm always looking for in music. She Says is another of my favourites of his but really, I'd easily be willing to listen to almost anything of his.

If you're into a bit of soft strumming, then Howie Day might just be your thing.
