Ink me up

The marking and inking of the skin is something that has interested me for years now and last year I finally plucked up the courage to get my first tattoo done, behind my left ear. It was small, quick, relatively pain free and I am so glad I got it done. I loved it so much in fact, that the minute I left the studio I was already planning my next one.

The only trouble is, I told myself I'd only get five tattoos done. Five is my lucky number; always has been and to surpass would potentially unsettle me. Having said that, I spend so much of my time trailing over tattoo blogs that I've seen so much inspiration for far more than five.

This blog is absolutely brilliant for ideas. Titled Tattoologist, it has endless pages of pictures and inspiration and as a result I spend a lot of time on there. It's not only good for designs but for placements of tattoos too - something that many people seem to struggle with, myself included. My own first tattoo was simple enough to decide: I wanted it somewhere that was hidden enough that, should I for whatever reason grow to dislike it, I wouldn't be forced to see it all the time. Now however, I can't decided where to get my next one. The back of my neck seems like a good choice but I know a lot of people have a tattoo there and I never have been one to stick to conformity completely.

I am planning to have my next one done before this academic year ends though, so watch this space..
