
I am forever trying different health drinks in a bid to increase my intake of multi vits (and to try, largely in vain, to counteract the incredible levels of sugar I manage to demolish weekly. Woops). I nipped into Asda on my way home from work on Friday and to my own surprise IGNORED the masses of mini eggs and plumped for this multivitamin fruit drink with the well intentioned name 'Rejuvenate'. Having never tried anything from Purdey's before, I will openly admit that the pocket sized bottle, that is apparently swathed in silver to protect the "delicate formula and B vitamins from the light", swayed me massively. I'm nothing if not a sucker for something that makes a sweet snap on the camera.

The drink claims to be a gentle lift for the body, mind and soul. Unless you are literally the world's most perfect person, we could all use a little helping hand once or twice, right? It's suitable for vegetarians and although it does admittedly still contain 22g of sugar, I figured you can't win 'em all. I want to have a more productive weekend than usual, so if this little beaut gives me a boost then I'm all for it! I'll be posting my weekend update tomorrow evening, so check back if you fancy seeing whether this 'Elixir Vitae' has done the job properly.

How do you rejuvenate after a busy week?

Jade x
