(Bath) Bombs Away
I'm not your average British 22 year old. How do I know this to be true? Because in my life, bath bombs > jager bombs.
I asked for some bath bombs for Christmas (proving again how I am skipping my twenties and embarking on my sixties) primarily because I thought they'd be a cheap and easy present for my brother to buy, given his limited student funds. But mostly I asked for them because I just really like bath bombs (cue intense use of the see no evil monkey emoji). I like to think there would be no shame in opting for bath bombs over jager bombs if I were to be given the choice, but I'm probably only saying that because I'm jealous that my social life rarely extends beyond the fictional characters I'm either watching or writing about. Anyway, these Bathfizzers came in a range of three heart shaped shades varying from pale, dusty pink to a much more vibrant, brighter magenta, with the middley most akin to a cute pearlescent pink. I mean, who wouldn't enjoy soaking their soul in shocking pink bubbles?
So sorry to all you fantastically fun people, I'll be taking my choice of bomb without the side order of palpitation-inducing energy drinks for the time being. Sorry, not sorry.
Jade x