Step by Step | Company Magazine Inspired Glitter Festival Eyes

This post comes in association with my earlier Great Grad Ball post, where I featured the beautiful blue dress I squeezed my body into for my university graduation ball. Although not technically festival-themed, much of the night involved outside entertainment and with the Great Gatsby theme, it was all about grandeur.
As I stated in my first post, the dress itself was so much of a statement that I wanted to keep my make up mostly minimal. But I also like adding a little bit of quirk to my outfits, to really separate social events from one another. I had already acquired some synthetic hair extensions to change my visual appearance slightly but it was grad ball - no holding back! It was however quite by accident that I happened upon the glittery eyes idea. Two nights prior to my graduation ball, I attended a local dance show and took an issue of Company Magazine along with me because I had been told the auditorium got very, very hot. (What I had not been told was how much my legs would stick to the chairs. Tasty.)
When it came to the interval, I had a quick flick through even though I'd already read it cover to cover and the page on festival make up quite literally caught my eye. I spotted the Aztec eye make up, the cogs started whirring and I was suddenly racking my brains trying to remember if I still owned enough glitter to make an Aztec-style adaptation work. Thankfully, I did.

Eyelash curlers | Black kohl eyeliner pencil | Eyebrow pencil | Maybelline Mega Plush Mascara
Blue Glitter
I prepped by just gently curling my eyelashes. I don't tend to do this normally but because it was a big event, I wanted long, full lashes. I then applied my Maybelline Mega Plush mascara which I absolutely love - best mascara I have owned in a while. I do tend to top of up with one or two older mascaras but this one by Maybelline made up most of the impact.
After that I used a handful of cotton buds to gently apply the glitter beneath my lower lashes. Take care not to let the glitter touch your eye ball, which is why I found the cotton buds gave a more accurate application than say using my fingers. I  originally thought I was going to need to use Vaseline or some sort of serum to get the glitter to stick, but it took to my face fine without it. I tried to get the glitter as level as possible, ensuring no gaps could be seen. I opted not to take the glitter right to the corner of my eye but there are plenty of possibilities in how you apply it.
I finally added a flick of liquid eyeliner - the one used here is very near its end so isn't as smooth as I would have liked, but the effect of the flicked liner meeting the blue gives a really nice contrast of colours. And there you have it, super quick glittery eye look
What are your favourite festival faces?
Jade x
