My four favourite finds of 2013

Blogging has definitely had a positive impact on me. It's made me venture out of my comfort zone and along the way, I've found some wonder products, stumbled across TV shows to obsesses over (as if I needed any more) and found a whole new love for knitwear. Here are my favourite finds of 2013:

1. Barry M Nail Hardener.

My absolute wonder product. I swear by it and I even persuaded friends and family into purchasing it too! I use it as a base and top coat without fail, and my nails have never been stronger or longer. Could not recommend it enough!
2. ABCs Scandal.

Thanks to the free 30 day trial at Lovefilm I stumbled across a little show called Scandal and I'm pretty sure I watched Season 1 and 2 in an under a week. If that doesn't grant me gladiator status, I don't know what does! (Inside joke - watch the show!) In all seriousness, it's like my perfect drama. Kerry Washington is an incredible female lead (point 1); it's about America (point 2); it's political but in a very accessible, dramatic way (point 3); it has a fabulous cast (point 4) and it's far from predictable. Can you tell I'm a little obsessed already? I don't know when (or if) Season 3 is coming to England but it had better is all I'm saying!
3. Loverdose Tattoo Perfume
I got given this for Christmas so it's not like I had it for the whole of 2013 but I caught of whiff of it in a magazine months back and was determined to get myself a bottle. Only once university started up again in September, perfume purchases were put on hold and it wasn't until Christmas that my wish was granted. It was so worth the wait though - the bottle is gloriously designed, which is really important to me as I collect perfume bottles (weird, I know) so I love them to have intricate, edgy designs.
4. New Look Knitwear

Okay so New Look selling knitwear isn't anything new but I've managed to secure two absolute sale steals this winter and I probably wear them both far too often. My black bulldog jumper is by far the item I've worn most this December, it just goes with everything! And my new zip detailed grey jumper is the perfect addition to my winter wardrobe.
Jade :)
