Wednesday 18th | New Bloglovin' address & hometown glory

Just a quick update to say that with changing the name of my blog, came a change with my Bloglovin' address. So if any of you delightful people would like to stop following the now non-existent You Can Call Me Jadey and switch over to Oversized Facial Features, that would be absolutely grand!
In other news, I came home from uni on Saturday for the first time since September. I went to a Christmas party that evening and spent all day Sunday eating and sleeping - perfection! I love being home and being reunited with my main girl: Poppy, the family dog. This will be the second Christmas in our new house but because I've been away at uni for most of the year, it feels like I've hardly lived here at all yet! So here are a few snaps from my first few days back:

i. Typical train journey tidbits
ii. Catching up with my number one cutie
iii. My cosy corner

Jade :)
