Monday 16th | First writing submission & coming home for Christmas

Today marks a (mini) milestone in my literary life! For the first time, I submitted a poem to be considered for an anthology. I'm not going to get my hopes up as I know this career is going to a slow and steady one but I decided to document it all the same. I don't think I'll find out until January whether or not it has been accepted but I still feel like I'm slowly making progress - which can only be a good thing!
In other news, I came home from university on Saturday morning after what has felt like the longest term ever. Due to teaching commitments at weekends and dance classes on my days off uni, I haven't been able to come home at all so it felt so nice to sleep in my own bed on Saturday night! I do have a lot of work to do over the Christmas hols but I've given myself today off to sort everything out - tomorrow sees the real work start!
I haven't actually started my Christmas shopping yet which, for me, is very unusual! I'm usually so on top of it but after watching tonight's Made In Chelsea, I'll be having a quick browse in bed. Trying to find presents for my 18 year old brother is proving pretty difficult though!
Jade :)
