Ballet Inspired Intererior Design
My usual, trustworthy types of post have well and truly failed me this week. Or rather, I've failed them - depends how you look at it! I haven't painted my nails all week and I've lived in outfits I definitely don't want people seeing! In short, I've been a bit of a bad blogger. (Sorry!)
What I have been doing in between uni work is browsing for quaint little things to decorate my uni room with. The spaces which I live in are very much an extension of me and I like to have active walls and shelves covered with all sorts, especially when I'm at uni and feeling a little bit homesick. I think it's nice to have a few home comforts and nothing makes me feel more at home than my interest in ballet. I've mentioned before that I dance at uni and that my parents are both professional dancers-turned-teachers, so dance does make me a feel a bit more at home. This is a bonus really because dance, ballet in particular, has really hit the high street of late. I already own a cacophony of ballet related paraphernalia but I've still managed to spot a few more I'd love to add to my collection!
What I have been doing in between uni work is browsing for quaint little things to decorate my uni room with. The spaces which I live in are very much an extension of me and I like to have active walls and shelves covered with all sorts, especially when I'm at uni and feeling a little bit homesick. I think it's nice to have a few home comforts and nothing makes me feel more at home than my interest in ballet. I've mentioned before that I dance at uni and that my parents are both professional dancers-turned-teachers, so dance does make me a feel a bit more at home. This is a bonus really because dance, ballet in particular, has really hit the high street of late. I already own a cacophony of ballet related paraphernalia but I've still managed to spot a few more I'd love to add to my collection!
I love both number two and three - I think the chrome finish for number three is really beautiful and I like that all of these can be bought for pretty much anyone of any age. The wall stickers would be great for a children's room and the Minnie Mouse one is perfect for any fan of dance and Disney!
Like I mentioned earlier, I already own quite a few ballet related items thanks to numerous birthday and Christmas presents over time. Since I enjoyed researching this post so much, I figured I'd include some of my own ornaments which I would love to say I had to dig around for but the truth is, all of them are currently on show in my bedroom at home. Doesn't say much for my non-girly protests, does it!
These a just a few of my favourites and I have a great fondness for all the ornaments I've collected over the years, perhaps none more so that the ballet shoe endorsed door sign. I know, I know, it's pink with smiley faces on it - everything I claim to dislike! But it was on my bedroom door for as long as I can remember and when we moved house in December, the sign somehow got forgotten and was left behind. It was still term time at uni when we moved so I didn't realise until a while after we moved that my door sign hadn't moved with us! Thankfully we were able to get it back eventually and though I no longer have it on my bedroom door, it does have pride of place on my bookshelf.
I know this post probably won't appeal to a whole host of people, but I love dance and I loved researching and writing this post - it was a perfect break from reading literary criticism!
Jade :)
I know this post probably won't appeal to a whole host of people, but I love dance and I loved researching and writing this post - it was a perfect break from reading literary criticism!
Jade :)
ballerina figure
glass ornament
interior design
wall decoration