NOTD: Pink to make the boys wink

It seems I change my nails more often than I change TV channels, not that I'm complaining - what's the point of buying nail varnish if you're not going to use it! Plus it gives me something to blog about since I can't really afford to buy anything new for the indeterminate future. Sob, sob, sob.
It's no secret that pink is far from my favourite colour but my Misstify nail varnish from Missguided, which I think I've blogged about before, is somehow still one of my firm favourites. Of course I couldn't wear a plain pink coat on my fingertips without at least trying to toughen it up a little bit. Cue another of my old faithfuls - Barry M crackle effect, in black.

The idea was to create some sort of Aztec-y style design on my nails. Fabulous idea.. in my head. Somewhat harder to paint on my nails! After a few failed attempts at drawing on a design, I gave up and nearly settled for plain, old pink. That resolution lasted all of three minutes and in a (very poor) attempt to be (somewhat) edgy and alternative, I swiped a quick flick of the crackle varnish across each nail and this was the end result! I actually kind of like it, it's not too try hard and okay, technically it's not nail art but it was super easy to do and a style anyone can achieve!

Happy Jade :)
