A plethora of photos #2

This week has been pretty decent actually - the sun is still shining, I got paid for a few shifts I did last week and I got to experiment with my new Barry M Confetti nail varnish. Top stuff!

i. Treated myself to a True Blood boxset | ii. Getting fit (the fun way) | iii. Cheeky new pair of leggings
iv. Cheeky chops | v. Asos overload | vi. NOTD

I love having lazy days in between working and I spent a good few hours reliving Season 5 of True Blood. Since I'm not allowed to wear nail varnish for work, I love having days off inbetween to pop some colour back on my man hands, and I'm loving finding new ways to wear my confetti polish. It's the simple things..
I'm off to visit family for the rest of this week so blog posts might be a little scarce. I am however hopefully popping into my student house up at uni somewhere along the line, mostly because I can't remember what on earth it looks like! I cannot wait to start getting things together to start decorating my room with - Pinterst, here I come.
Happy Wednesday,
Jade :)
