NOTD - Glittery Goodness
I love all the glittery nail varnishes surfacing at the moment but since I haven't got round to buying any of my own yet, I decided to have a go at a make shift one instead!
All I used was grey Primark nail varnish and some glitter that I had lying around my room.
In hindsight I should have used two coats of the nail varnish, applying the glitter on the second but in the picture below, I sprinkled the glitter over the first coat so there are a few gaps that need filling! I put the glitter on immediately after applying the varnish so the glitter would stick easily to the nail and after about five minutes, I put a clear coat over the top just to add to the shine and keep the glitter in place.
What I do love about these nails is the texture because the pieces of glitter are quite big in comparison to the size of my nails so they don't lie particularly flat. Obviously this means that this style is practical for every kind of event but I thought they were a fun little experiment to fill my morning and since I don't have a very steady hand for nail art, this is far more up my street!
Anyone a fan of any good summer nail art designs? I saw some in a magazine I might try the next time I'm bored :)