Playful playsuits

Unimaginative title, granted but playsuits are arguably one of the most playful items of clothing a girl can purchase. They're bright, easy to wear and beautifully boyish yet florally feminine all at the same time. To put it shortly, a definite buy for me this summer especially with a fleeting trip to Barcelona on the cards.

Instead of doing prep work for uni like I should have been doing, I've spent the day creating the worst choreography known to man and scouring the net for a few possible playsuits. (It's clear from this post which was the most successful venture.. Michael Jackson I ain't.) Asos have a playsuit's a plenty and if money were no object, I'd buy more than a few.

A particular favourite includes this Layered Butterfly playsuit. The colour combinations clash in the best way and the detailed back is what really drew me in. I don't tend to opt for tight-fitting clothes all that often so again this playsuit is perfect and the way the material just grazes the tops of your legs should theoretically be fairly flattering. All in all, a potential purchase.

I do already own a denim-based playsuit from New Look which I adore, with the exception of one (albeit MAJOR) issue. It's a strapless, floral item with an elasticated back and buttons at the front but neither of these function as  coverage certainty. Being a fresher and flashing my bra (and unfortunately a little more) at a performance by Nero at my SU was definitely not a high point and it did admittedly put me off wearing it for a while. As a result I'm keeping an eye out for playsuits with a bit more security (because when you dance like I do - which is essentially not very well at all - flash-safe outfits are a necessity.)
