The Glass Montage(ry)

I'm going to blame Tennessee Williams for the terrible pun outlining this post (sorry TW). It's no secret that my favourite play in the world is Williams's The Glass Menagerie and not that I'm developing my own unicorn-led menagerie, I do however have a few glass items delicately decorating my room. 

Now, I quite like photography. My family's pretty into it so there are always different camera lenses switching and flashing all over the place. But oh my life is it h a r d  to photograph glass! (I mean, it could be the case that I'm actually really just a terrible photographer but I like to live in ignorance). Anyway, here's my little glass gallery - complete with the most gorgeous ring holder, a beautiful glass-like ballerina (of course), a tiny glass bone-chewing pup (you knew there'd be a dog somewhere) and of course the piece de resistance: my Empire State Building snow globe that travelled as a surprise present from actual New York. Possibly my fave present ever.

And if there's ever any question as to why I love Williams's work, even in a simple stage direction he creates such beautiful imagery:

"A fragile, unearthly prettiness has come out in Laura: she is like a piece of translucent glass touched by light, given a momentary radiance, not actual, not lasting."

But hopefully, providing my clumsiness is kept at bay, my class glass acts will last a lifetime.

Jade x

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