Happy New Year 2015!
So the 2015 is already underway and I am absolutely gutted I'm not able to properly blog about it. I've been laptop-less since before Christmas and it is slowly k i l l i n g me. Which proves how reliant I've become on it. Saying that, I have painted lots of watercolours, drawn several comic strips, moved all my bedroom furniture around, scrapbooked the hell out of the last few months and played a lot of tug of war. (With my dog, I should add. Not by myself. That would be weird.) So in a sense, it's been weirdly productive too?!
Anyway, I had - well, still have - tons of plans and posts to blog about but with only one family computer, my job, my gym sessions and the return of some of my fave TV shows, I haven't had a great deal of access to said computer. So all those fantabulous plans are sadly on hold. Which is annoying because January 1st presented a FNS! (Fresh New Start, fyi). I'm the type of person who would start revising at 10:00am or 1:30pm or 8:00pm. Clean, exact times. So not being able to begin blogging brilliantly on January 1st is causing my skin to break out. I mean, it could also be due to the increased chocolate consumption but I think we can all agree several forces are at work here. But I am planning to regain smooth skin and gain a sculpted stomach at the same time. How? The same way everyone else does: New Year's Resolutions.
The Resolutions
Last year my main resolution was to embark on a face-care regime. Which I did! And kept up all year! Annnnd I even added to it this year, with a beautiful night cream from Superdrug (which I love so much I will be dedicating a post to whenever my laptop is deemed fixed.) So I am proof (to myself, if no one else) that resolutions can be kept. It is in this vein that I announce to you 2015's resolution(s). Technically I only have one, under which are several sub-resolutions. Let me explain.
The BIG, NEW YEAR/NEW YOU, BE A BETTER PERSON (yadda yadda yadda) resolution can be simplified into four words: bet on myself more.
That is it. That is my big plan, my preparations for 2015 all tightly bunched together in a four worded package smaller than a haiku. Beautiful. What it means is that I'm young (relatively) and I'm eager and I'm willing and desperate to learn. I know where I want to start heading and it's about time I began believing that with hard work I might just get there. But, like I mentioned, I do have a few other resolutions I'd like to put in place too. I do want to tone up and eat healthier but these are ongoing processes that are not specific for 2015; my commitment to them is fo'life. Hashtag DEDICATION. That explains, for anyone wondering, why they are not listed below.
- Write more! Simple in theory and simple in reality. Why then have I had so much trouble doing this in the past? I label myself a writer but if I'm taking a good hard look at myself, most of that writing barely sees the light of day. It's scribbled in notebooks that I stash in my bookcase. So my specific targets are learning the script/screenplay writing ropes; offering my services as a reviewer or guest writer as often as I can and ensuring I - laptop permitting - blog as regularly as possible.
- Join a new sport or club! Now, I still dance and I go to the gym. Both of these activities I love, but I'm greedy. I want to do more. I like to think I have a relatively healthy body so I want to push it while I still can and see what I can do! So I'm looking at taking up adult gymnastics or finding some sort of local writing group.
- Travel! Even if it's a one day trip to France, I want to go somewhere that requires my passport. I'm getting awful wanderlust and whilst I don't have pennies and pounds to throw at the ground, a bit of handy planning may mean a few more memories get made.
Jade x
bet on yourself
Mocking Jade
New Year
new years resolution