OOTD | Graduation
So it's been a busy two weeks. By my standards anyway (and not just because I'm trying to watch as much of the Commonwealth Games as I physically can. Sports fan? Me? Never..)
No, the real reason I haven't blogged recently is because I travelled back up to my university for the final time to attend my graduation ceremony and my union's Grad Ball, which this year took on the theme of The Great Gatsby. It was a wonderful four days and a great way to close the door on this part of my life. I can't lie and say I enjoyed every part of university because I didn't; it was a hard time for me and though I am proud of myself for getting through it (and getting the certificate to prove it!) I do wonder if I really made the right decision in attending in the first place. But there is no point in trying to change the past, so I might as well concentrate on the future now. I'm trying hard to reinvent my lifestyle at the moment, with healthier eating, more exercise and more positivity (but that's for a whole other blog post!)
Now I am more comfortable in casual clothes. I like jeans and jumpers, shorts and baggy tees, hotpants and vest tops. Dresses? Well, they're a little out my comfort zone. So you can imagine how hard I found these two formal events! For my graduation, I opted for a dress I bought way back in January and had wimped out of wearing for a friend's birthday for fear of SPP. (That's Sweat Patch Potential, fyi).
Anything cotton-based is a prime SPP contender but given that my university colour is purple, it seemed the most appropriate dress to wear. And it is a lovely dress, it fits well and there's a lovely little teardrop cut out at the nape of the neck. I needed the cut outs on the side of the dress because boy, is it hot underneath a graduation gown. I'm talking sweltering heat, which of course heightened my SPP fear! Not to mention how anxious I was walking across the stage in wedges. But thankfully, no falling occurred from anyone in the ceremony (but more than a few sweaty, shiny faces!)
It was all a little bit formal for me, but it was a nice way to end university. It's funny how proud you can feel from receiving what is essentially a piece of paper! Next post: The Great Grad Ball (aka, how I felt like a mermaid in a very blue, very sequined, very tight dress!)
Jade x
graduation ball
how to dress for graduation
Little Mistress
what dress to wear for graduation