Did the Emmy Nominations nail it?

I try not to let awards and nominations sway my opinion on what TV to watch. If I like something and it wins awards too, fabulous. If I like something that gets slated critically, more fool them. But with a lot more post-uni free time comes my complete immersion in the arts and media right now. So of course the Emmy's have brought about quite a buzz.
Nominations that nailed it
First off, I'm pretty content with most of the nominations. I, like many others, can see a few inconsistencies in terms of categories (Luther as a mini series? C'mon guys.) but I'm just happy to see Idris Elba nominated. He's a fabulous actor and it's great to see someone British doing so well. Breaking Bad has picked up a few nominations which I'm sure are deserved; the show wasn't for me personally but I can see why people liked it. I think Mayim Bialik's nomination is really well deserved and I'm also happy to see Claire Danes and Kerry Washington both nominated for Leading Actress in a drama. I'm waiting (well I would say waiting patiently but I'm really, really not patient at all) for Season 3 of Scandal to air in the UK as we speak and it is without a doubt one of my favourite TV Dramas. With Homeland, I was utterly obsessed for the first two seasons, both loved and loathed the third, and as I hear snippets about the fourth season I remain intrigued to see what direction the show goes in.
Orange is the New Black has unsurprisingly scooped up a whole host of nominations and I'm actually really glad Taylor Schilling's been nominated for Leading Actress in a comedy. I'm with the majority in that OITNB kind of straddles comedy and drama, arguably more so drama in my opinion, but as an actor playing a character who many people seem to complain about, I think it's great that she's been recognised. And for the record, I don't even think Piper's that whiny! Laverne Cox has also made history in her nomination so I really think this is going to be the year for Orange is the New Black, with Kate Mulgrew, Natasha Lyonne and Uzo Aduba all picking up nominations too. And as a writer and a fan of the show, it's great to see OITNB also scooped a nomination for Outstanding Writing, among others.
Omitted Opportunities?
There have been a lot of comments on the fact that The Good Wife did not receive a nomination as a show, though Julianna Marguiles has been recognised as Lead Actress in a Drama, again going up against Danes and Washington. It is surprising, given the trajectory this season took but the biggest outrage appears to be the lack of nominations for Orphan Black. It's not a series I have actually encountered at all, so I can't really comment on whether they have been "snubbed" or not. I got quite into Brooklyn Nine-Nine this year, so would have liked a few more nominations in their direction but hey, you win some, you lose some.
What are your thoughts on the Emmy nominations this year?
Jade x
