Apologies, updates and new directions!

I've been a bit absent from here recently (for which I massively apologise!). It has largely been because of technological problems - apparently Internet Explorer 11 no longer supports Blogger (yes, I'm one of those people who has yet to move to Google Chrome!) which has actively prevented me from posting. Now I have moved back home, I'll be able to  occasionally use my Dad's computer to create and publish posts but of course this isn't an ideal situation - he's a very busy man!
In the meantime I have been blogging away on Tumblr (www.the-mocking-jade.tumblr.com) if you fancy taking a look! I'm going to keep blogging there, as I did anyway, but in an attempt to try and coordinate all my online efforts, I'm changing the name of this blog to match. For those wondering, yes the new name did start as a terrible pun on the Hunger Games! But actually, I think it fits the direction of my blog too because although I try and be professional with my blogging, I also want to have fun with it and I hope to never take myself too seriously! I think it's a great quality to be able to laugh at yourself and I am a great believer in laughter being the best medicine. Having said that, I am starting to taking blogging more seriously now; I would love for it it to complement the direction my career is hopefully going to go. I want to be a writer: both the creative route and more journalistic route appeal to me, and I'm planning to maximise on any viable opportunities that come my way. I am already building my CV by writing for free and I hope that by continuing to blog and by gaining more experience in my chosen craft, things can only improve!
I am due to graduate next month and of course that brings with it great a deal of fear and uncertainty! It's a tough time for many of us out there but I know I have a strong support system with my family and close friends, all of whom I am incredibly grateful for. So with that, I apologise again and I am on the lookout for a way to solve my current techy problems! I may have to admit defeat and submit to google chrome! In the meantime, if you also blog on Tumblr, let me know! Otherwise I wish you all a lovely start to the summer and I hope to be blogging again in the next day or so!

In the meantime, come and find me on Instagram, Tumblr or follow my newly named and updated Bloglovin'!
Much love,
Jade x
