Role Model Monday | Zoe Kravitz
I first remember coming across Zoe Kravitz when I began buying Glamour magazine as her Vera Wang ads were always featured. Skip forward a few years and in the midst of my Gossip Girl obsession (which, let's be honest here, never really finished), started seeing pictures of her with Penn Badgely. Then I saw her promoting X Men: First Class and quickly decided I quite liked her style. She's also great hair inspiration for me while I wait with desperate impatience for it to grow past my shoulders!
She's flying high in the style stakes too, I especially loved her choice of outfit at the Catching Fire premiere. Simple yet seriously smooth and elegant (and my penchant for black clothing isn't exactly a secret.) I'm also starting err towards a centre parting again after years of trying to master something of a side parting/side fringe affair, so I'm always on the look out for new updos to try.
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I'm not as big a fan of the smoking pictured in the video below but the multitude of tiny tats? Definitely in favour of those! That's the point of Role Model Monday: it's not about picking one person and trying to live their life, it's about learning from others to better yourself. Oh, and if you get time, I'd definitely recommend a little listen to Lolawolf, What Love Is and Wanna Have Fun are my personal faves!
Next Monday, I'll be looking at actor and blogger extraordinaire Ashley Madekwe! In the meantime, who do you consider to be your role models?
Jade x

Role Model Monday