Lovebullets | A Cute Crystal Craze

I recently found myself reading an article, thanks to a photo from Beyoncé's Instagram, about a 4.4 billion year old crystal which is suggested to be one of the oldest pieces of Earth in existence. Maybe this is the History student in me, but I find things like this really fascinating. This is the article on CNN which goes into a lot more detail about the finding of the zircon (most of which goes over my head - I like history, not science!) It was an interesting read though and did kind of reaffirm my love for crystals and gemstones.
Jade itself is a gemstone, so I've always had a penchant for looking for green, Jade-coloured items as I was incidentally named after one. Amethyst is the other gemstone I tend to veer towards, as I'm a February baby (although growing up I always wished I was Emerald or Sapphire!) As a child I also tried (and failed miserably) to grow my own crystals with one of those science kits for kids, but regardless of  how many attempts I made, nothing ever grew! More recently though I came across the seriously cool campaign Mila Kunis did for Gemfields, as seen below. How does anyone look that good without make up?! Anyway, after looking into the work of Gemfields I started browsing around for a slightly more affordable, yet equally ethical company from which to buy some glittering gemstones.
It was in a magazine that I first saw an advertisement for LoveBullets, who turned  out to be exactly what I was looking for. They have the most beautiful range of gemstone jewellery, ranging from my type of price range all the way up to items costing over £200. My favourite unsurprisingly is this little Lovebullet Amethyst crystal which is encased in a silver bullet. I'm gutted that it's currently sold out but I'm waiting with eager fingertips for it to come back in stock!

At only £18, with £1 from each sale going towards the War Child charity, I am more than happy to wait my turn. I love that Lovebullets are making an effort to sell fashion with a conscience and although they do have two other Amethyst related products, I don't think the money I received for my birthday is quite going to stretch to these prices, as nice as the products are!

There are more than just Amethyst crystals on the website, as well as products catering for both men and women. Definitely my new favourite jewellery haunt and well worth a look!
Jade x
