Plethora of Photos #6

So apparently in the last two weeks, the only things I've taken photos of are different forms of (unhealthy!) food.

i. Soup + garlic bread | ii. Cheeky fish & chips | iii. Trying out the new pizza place with the family
vi. Thumbs up for new pizza place! | v. My baby girl | vi. Reluctant doggy cuddles
vii. Dog themed jumper | viii. Essay themed motivation! | ix. Trying terribly hard to be gangster.
Looking back, it has really been quite a food orientated two weeks! Having my family come up and visit me at uni was definitely a much-needed boost, and as soon as Friday 15th is over and my deadlines are handed in, I'm going on a detox! I have been going to the gym 3 days a week and doing 3 hours of dance too so I guess it's not all bad..? (I'm just trying to make myself feel better!)
Jade :)
