Be Inpsired: "Paris holds the key to your heart!"
It's like a miracle (and not only because a line from one of my favourite films can finally be applied to my life!) Yesterday I very spontaneously booked tickets for a long weekend in Paris! My best friend is currently living out there for her placement and I've been meaning to go for ages, but with uni during the week and having dance on the weekends it's been hard to find any free time. I handed in my last essay yesterday and in true celebratory style, bought a £50 return bus ticket to Paris!
I still have one exam to get through but knowing I've got something to look forward to a mere 3 days after my exam will hopefully be enough to get me revising hard. I've never been to Paris but I am in love with everything French so I'm so, so excited to be going (even with the 12hr coach journey each way!)
Has anyone ever been? I'm only out for the weekend but I want to do as much as I can! Any recommendations?
Jade :)