OOTN: (Dance) Ball so hard (and winning awards!)

Last Thursday was my university's annual dance ball and in typical dance girl behaviour, everyone got fully dressed up. With one exception (no guesses who!)
That's kind of half a lie. I did get dressed up, I just didn't wear a dress. Pretty good compromise I thought. I wore my faithful golden sequin shorts, my favourite long-sleeved blouse and a blazer (which, three hours later, I would sweatily regret.)
Blazer - Primark
Blouse - Republic
Shorts - River Island
I love, love, love my blazer. It has 3/4 sleeves which is perfect for me as I always roll long sleeves up and the colour is, whilst a bit more girly than I usually dress, brilliant for summer. Having said all this, it is NOT good for getting a little bit tipsy and dancing like Beyonce. And to make matters even worse, Binky from Made In Chelsea came to the club we were all at and I had a photo with her looking horrendously sweaty!
Nevertheless the night was probably one of my favourite nights out this year at uni - everyone was on top form and to put the cherry on top, I was lucky enough to win three awards during the presentation at the ball! I've been feeling a bit disillusioned with my degree and with life in general recently so winning those really did cheer me up - I feel like a very lucky girl!
So even though I did feel a bit out of place being the only one not wearing a dress, the dance ball was - as it always is - a top night and I am so glad dance is such a big part of my university life. Especially since I'm currently in midst of a ton of coursework deadlines and exam prep - right now anything is a welcome distraction and dance is definitely top of that list!
Good luck to anyone else with deadlines and exams coming up - not long till summer now!
Jade :)
