Fighting the flab: Yay for Greek Yogurt?

Or nay, if you're me.
I've read time and time again of the health benefits of including greek yogurt in your diet and I'm always seeing pictures on Tumblr of lovely looking meals making use of greek yogurt. In line with me starting up with running again (that's a whole other story) I'm trying to make some long term changes to my diet to help my body in the future. I'm terrible for crash dieting but I've come to the conclusion that it would make more sense to make a few solid changes and try to stick with them.
So greek yogurt, I though to myself foolishly, would be a great place to start. How. Wrong. I. Was.
There's something about the taste of it that my tongue just really protests about. Although I have to admit, I was secretly pleased when I saw this tweet from Olympic 400m runner Sanya Richards-Ross!
So if super-healthy athletes are struggling with the taste, I figured this mere mortal should stick with the quest to like greek yogurt. I've been using it with a handful of raspberries as part of my lunch - it definitely helps combine it with fruit to help counteract the taste. I've been reading around for other recipes making use of greek yogurt so I'm going to give a few of them a try before I write it off for good. I'm currently trying to mix it with strawberry granola but it turns out I'm not a fan of granola either. It's a bit awkward really.

It's not the most appetising food to ever grace my plates and I really am struggling to get used to the taste. But lest it be known that I give up at the first hurdle - I am determined to have a healthier diet by the end of 2013. In the oft-repeated words of Barney Stinson (yep, still on that HIMYM hype): challenge accepted.

How about you - are you a fan of greek yogurt or not really that fussed?

Jade :)

