Dogs and Collars
Last week took the form of a nice collection of activity-filled few days: I met up with my best friends who I hadn't seen since Christmas; Mum and I took our dog on a long (and windy) walk one morning; I went shopping a couple of times (sadly not for myself) and I finally got round to re-dip dying my hair. So all in all, a pretty decent week.
The pictures suggest that the weather was nicer than it actually was but I can't complain - we managed to avoid the rain! The wind, on the other hand, was out in full force and being the idiot I am, I stupidly left all my gloves at uni so by the time we got home my hands were absolutely frozen. It was worth it though, the walk totally tired Popstar out: she just got a bit comfy on the wrong bed!
As stated above, I also dip dyed my hair again. My hair really needs a cut but I'm planning to dye the ends red in a few days so I figured I'd cut it after all the hair dying is done. As my hair is so dark naturally, I had to use a pre lightener on it first but I actually love the colour it turns the ends of my hair. Which is ideal really, as I can't dye the ends red straightaway.
As for the denim jacket I'm wearing there, I bought it ages ago for a cheeky £10 in the January sales from Urban Outfitters and I swear I wear it all the time. I love the collar detail and it's perfect under my ever-growing collection of men's jumpers.
Happy Easter!
Jade :)