February fun: where I've been all month!
The whole of February seems to have literally flown right by me and the month isn't even over yet. It's an odd sensation because so very much has happened but at the same time, I feel like I almost haven't been present for most of it.
In short, February has been a blast.
February was always going to be fast and furious this year as three opposing events were all scheduled to occur. To be fair, I could happily of evaded two of them but alas, such is life.
So what happened in February? Firstly, I very reluctantly turned 21. I AM OFFICIALLY OLD and anyone who says otherwise is either not yet 21 or in some sort of denial. Aside from an intense hatred for celebrating my birthday, the day itself was borderline bearable this year. I had extra dance rehearsals on the actual day (BONUS) and my mum came up to spend the day with me which I have to admit was lovely. We went for dinner and I naturally ate far too much and had to run (on an incredibly full stomach) all the way across campus to make it (not quite) on time for even more dance. I don't think I've ever felt so full or so sick.
I was incredibly lucky though and got a few lovely little gifts from friends and family that I absolutely adore. Happy Jadey.
The start of semester two however made for a not-so-happy Jade. And not for want of trying. As much as I get bored terribly easy of doing absolutely nothing, starting new modules and learning new things just hasn't held as much appeal this time around. Still, we can't have it all and since the third event is probably going to be on the highlights of the entire year for me, I'll take a bit of degree-related despondency
Unsurprisingly, February's final event is dance-related (what isn't?). As part of the university dance club, we hold an annual dance show for three consecutive nights in February and this year absolutely topped every other for me. If I'm totally honest, I pretty much threw myself into the deep end of dance because at times, it felt like the only really positive thing happening. It's certainly where I attain the most enjoyment and couple that with becoming disillusioned with my degree and despairing over turning 21, I decided to fill every spare hour doing something to do with dance.
The pros to this are that I am, without a doubt, the closest I've EVER been to having abs. Not most people's greatest life aspirations but I'm still excited. And I'm aware that this is rapidly becoming the most vomit-worthy 'I love dance' blog post ever but this year has been such a confidence boost that I find it hard not become some sort of soppy simpleton.
Because I - the shy, sarcastic, socially awkward soul - got on stage, in front on actual, real people and danced a solo I'd choreographed. It's not a big accomplishment in the grand scheme of the Earth's history but coming from the girl who, for most of her childhood, simply refused to even speak to people, it kind of feels like a big deal.
It proved to me a number of key things that I hope I don't ever forget. The most important one is that the stage is definitely my home away from home. I'm not some am-dram, super talented performer. I'm not the best ballerina or the most talented tapper and I doubt very much I'll make a career out of dance. But there's something so fantastically freeing about dancing on a stage, in having the knowledge that people are watching you - whether it's as a soloist, as a duet or group piece or part of a larger ensemble. And it's weird, because I am naturally such an anxious person but somehow all the hours of rehearsals and practice suddenly come together and the fear of disappointing people (dance teachers, the rest of the team, the audience or in other words everyone else alive) dissipates and all you're left with is energy and enjoyment and exhilaration.
So I'm exaggerating a little (guilty little English student). To sum it up succinctly, February's been fun because I've spent it doing something I genuinely love. I love the friends I've made, I love the things I've learnt to do and I love the costumes and craziness that comes part and parcel with it all. And yes, I'm aware that dance isn't for everyone but if you can find something you enjoy doing half as much as I enjoy dance, then I would consider your life well lived. I don't have many life tips to dish out but that one's golden.
I hope all of your Feburary's have been full of fun too :)
And all I can with is this: March, it looks like you have a lot to live up to.