Very valid vintage?
For the past five or so years, I've found myself developing some sort of penchant for old vintage items. I steal (read: take with permission!) so many items from my mum and dad's past: my dad's old Levi denim jacket, my mum's old Karen Millen dress, an old lace jacket.. the list goes on. Today, my mum found an old ring she used to wear when she was my age, that she thinks her Nana bought for her. Not only do I love the fact it's being passed down through the family, it's actually pretty on-trend too.
I already wear gold rings all the time anyway, so it fits straight in with my style and I can already see I'm going to get a lot of wear out of it. I do sadly have man hands (I kid you not) so the ring only fits on my fourth finger but I don't really mind, it was the finger my mum said she wore it on too so maybe it's just meant to be!