Stan Lee made me.

I've just got back from seeing The Amazing Spiderman and it definitely lived up to its title. Andrew Garfield made for a perfect Peter Parker and after watching him in Never Let Me Go, I'm so happy to see his beautiful, beautiful face on the big screen once more and I sincerely hope there's a sequel (and that he's in it, of course. And Emma Stone too. I am now suitably obsessed with both of them.)

Despite being terribly arachnophobic (and having to cover my eyes for a good fifteen minutes of the film) once the initial spider-biting was over, the film kept me hooked right until the end. I'm not going to lie and say it was the best plot I've ever witnessed but it's Spiderman - the plot speaks for itself and as a daughter of a massive Marvel comics fan, I already knew what I was getting myself into.

Without spoiling it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, my favourite scene involved a man and some headphones, closely followed by some rooftop romance. Now excuse me whilst I go and fangirl over Garfield some more.

Oh and as for the title of this post? Stan Lee tends to name his characters with alliterative forenames and surnames - Peter Parker, Silver Surfer, Sue Storm (the list is endless. Check Big Bang Theory episode 3x16 - The Excelsior Acquisition. Raj has given this some pretty extensive thought.) And my name? Jade Joseph. Now all I need is a mask and some super powers..
