Musical musings.

I love music more than almost anything and I've seen a few people posting summer playlists and whatnot, so I figured I'd post a playlist of my week so far.

  1. Picking Up The Pieces - Paloma Faith.
    Brilliantly catchy song and the vocals are superb. I love the lyrics in the chorus and after I bought the MP3 off of Amazon yesterday, it's been on repeat on my iTunes all day. The best thing is Paloma sounds as good live as she does on the track - definite purchase if you like an upbeat ballad with a chorus you can belt out (badly if you're me!)
  2. Bad Blood - Bastille
    I've blogged about Bastille before and they are my favourite band of 2012 so far. I love all their stuff and I would definitely recommend checking them out. Bad Blood is planning to be released in August I believe so I've been checking it out on YouTube and it's just as good as their other stuff. The track's even made it on to Radio 1 recently which is great for Bastille but I selfishly loved liking a band not many people knew about! But their music is too good not to share, so check Bastille out if you like guitar-based earthy vocals from beautifully British indie boys.
  3. Don't Wake Me Up - Chris Brown
    I'm not usually a massive fan of his music but I kept hearing this song on the music channels and it is admittedly a great song for a night out!
  4.  Heatwave - Wiley
    Again, I'm not that familiar or fanatical about Wiley's earlier stuff but this tune is likely to be a summer smash. I just hope the weather takes note and complies!
  5. This is Love - feat. Eva Simons.
    I (not so) secretly wish I was related to - every interview I've seen with him just cracks me up and I used to be a massive fan of the Black Eyed Peas too. This song is cool and catchy and Eva Simons' hair in the video is incredible, as are her vocals.
These are probably my top five for this week but I'm always open to discovering new (and old) music. What tracks are you recommending at the moment?
